Thursday, 23 January 2014

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

  The Wolf of Wall Street is a 2013 Biopic directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Leonardo Dicaprio and Jonah Hill. It shows the rise, the glory and the inevitable fall of Jordan Belfort as he becomes a stockbroker on Wall Street.
  Jordan Belfort (Dicaprio) is employed as a Stockbroker with a respected Wall Street organization. His boss (Matthew Mcconaughey) tells him crazy advise, like masturbate twice a day, before the firm abruptly closes down. Jordan takes another job, where he discovers penny stocks, conning the invester and paying large amounts back to him. He meets Donny Azoff (Jonah Hill) and they create their own firm names Stratford-Oakmont. Their company grows in size rapidly and he quickly becomes a millionaire. Living a lifestyle of drugs, stocks and girls, his crazy and unorthadox lifestyle cannot last long.
  This film is the best I have seen this year. It's only January, but that's not the point. I have been long anticipating this film, and this is one of those rare occurrences where it is better than my expectations. This film is filled with profanities, nudity, sex and drug abuse. None of what is shown is to be negative, where all these sins are congratulated. The audience is led to believe his lifestyle is spectacular, not showing any repurcusions of drugs, and not respecting women at all. They are purely treated as sex objects, which will reject many female audience members. Only see this film if you are not easily offended.
  Scorsese's directing is immaculate as always. Each shot is framed, lighted and edited to perfection. The performances is what makes the film stand out. There are not many films where the actors are allowed to go batshit crazy with portraying their characters (A Woman Under the Influence and most Nicolas Cage movies are the only ones I can think of). We all knew Dicaprio was a great actor, but this is a completely different side of him, we have never seen before! A big surprise was Jonah Hill, as 'This is the End' was one of the worst films I watched last year. Moneyball was his first encounter with acting, but despite the Oscar nomination, it did not feel amazing. However, he is likeable, funny and crazy in The Wolf of Wall Street. In fact it is his funniest film since Superbad.
  The film shows you a lifestyle which you have never seen. One which in all Hollywood films would be avoided and his actions would have immediate consequences. It feels wrong watching it, but it is so much fun. I had a massive grin on my face from the first five minutes.
  Similar to Goodfellas, the dialogue is witty and the main character, speaks directly to the camera. Breaking the fourth wall, Scorsese does not care for standard Hollywood rules, as this is his own creation, filled with creativity and 'what he wants' instead of 'what the studios want'.

This film knows what it is doing, and it excels at it. Offensive, gratuitous and genius.


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